Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In Equilibrium

Monday morning was super weather. The sun was out but there was considerable rain also, and the heat and humidity of Colombo mid-morning was lifted by the coolness of the drops of liquid breaking free of pregnant clouds. Such a long and ineffective sentence.

I sat on the front steps leading up to the old Walawwa where I’d spent the night, gazing through the lush mango and jack leaves now greener and looking heavier, for the water. Once in a while I’d suddenly find myself staring into the rays of rotating sun whizzing momentarily through the foliage to stun me. The gravel is purple-brown-orange. The picture is simple and serenely gorgeous.

Closer to me is a row of little plants with dripping flowers and rebellious buds. The tiny leaves are so gently and effortlessly curved that I wonder, as I often do, whether God caresses each and every one to just that way each morning. What love that must be!

The rain has stopped. On two of those God-finger-curled leaves I find droplets of water growing. This is an amazing thing. I think, “how many photographs I’ve seen with this exact image focused, shot, color-balanced, brightness-edited and published!” There is something so lethargic, stagnant and still about these pictures; even the ones with the bright sparkle hiding inside the droplet. How they all fail to capture the energy and intensity of the connection; the inevitable dependency.  But this leaf and this droplet are so flabbergastingly alive!

I am jubilant because there is life!

And then I think, which is it? Does the glittering droplet cling desperately to the thinning end of the leaf, or does it strain and strain to be free? Does it alone, or do they both?


Anonymous said...


I love the last line. The question of whether it yearns freedom, or clings to familiarity.

I love the sights... makes me miss home. I know what you mean about the pictures.

But also- is there any other place in the world where this beauty is a part of human life so completely? That you can step out of the front door of your house and witness this beauty is a blessing in itself.

People travel in planes, cars, hike mountains and go to far away places to find this moment you have captured. We are so blessed.

Plush Dragon said...

This is really lovely.

Nelie_gal said...

make the description a bit more radical ;)
but it's just so lovely reading it..feel like i am enjoying the same scenery right now..
at times, do you kind of feel a personal connection with nature? something like revival within yourself or an outburst of feelings after sometime..?
just curious ;)

Unknown said...

Pavi -- you are a treasure! I love you :)

Sashi akki -- i am humbled at the praise from a wordsmith as yourself!

Nelie_gal -- Thank you so much for the lovely compliment! I think I do feel the kind of connection you mean..it happens when I am suddenly reminded that every living, moving, breathing creature, plant loves to praise its Maker, just as I do..I find that just incredible!